Hair Loss Archives » Anderson Center for Hair Wed, 24 Apr 2024 16:17:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Emotional Journey of Hair Loss: Nurturing Your Self-Esteem Wed, 03 Apr 2024 03:00:56 +0000 Whether hair loss is caused by age, genetics, medical conditions, or treatments, the emotional toll can be significant.

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Hair loss can be a difficult journey for anyone to navigate. It can impact a person’s self-esteem, self-confidence, and overall mental well-being. It can cause a sense of loss, humiliation, and grief. Whether hair loss is caused by age, genetics, medical conditions, or treatments, the emotional toll can be significant.

At Anderson Center for Hair, we strive to support those who are experiencing hair loss by offering strategies to nurture their self-esteem and emotional well-being. Our goal is to provide insights and inspiration to help you embrace your unique beauty and feel empowered to navigate your hair loss journey.

Remember, You’re Not Alone

The first step to building your self-esteem as you experience hair loss is to recognize that you are not alone. Hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Many people are experiencing hair loss of various degrees, and it can help to connect with others who share similar experiences. Joining a support group or seeking help from a professional can offer the reassurance you need that you are not alone.

You’re More Than Your Hair

Another helpful strategy is to shift your focus to your inner qualities, skills, and achievements. Focus on your strengths, the things you do well, and the unique aspects of your personality that make you who you are. It can also help to find new hobbies, passions, or activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. This will help you realize that you are much more than your hair.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is another crucial aspect of nurturing your self-esteem. Self-care activities promote relaxation, stress relief, and positive mental health. Treat yourself to a spa day, a massage, or a yoga class to relax and release negative emotions. Indulge in hobbies and activities that make you feel good, like reading a book, listening to music, or spending time in nature.

Bald is Beautiful

Consider embracing your hair loss and choosing to go bald. Going bald is not just a style, it’s a lifestyle that can be empowering and liberating. Embracing baldness can take time and effort. Start by finding a bald mentor, someone who has embraced baldness and can offer guidance and inspiration. Also, consider trying new styles and accessories that complement your look, like hats, scarves, or earrings.

Finally, remember that hair loss does not define you. You are more than your hair. You are unique, valuable, and worthy of love and respect. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, and don’t let hair loss control your life. The key is to focus on your inner beauty and strength, nurture your self-esteem, and embrace your unique beauty.

For When You Want to Restore Your Hair

Hair loss can be overwhelming and stressful, but it doesn’t have to define our lives. By nurturing our self-esteem, practicing self-care, and embracing our unique beauty, we can navigate the emotional journey of hair loss with grace and confidence. It takes time, effort, and support, but it’s worth it. Remember that you are not alone, and you have the inner strength to overcome any challenge.

While we see many patients every week who have faced their hair loss with grace and dignity, it still hasn’t diminished their desire for good locks. If that sounds like you, then we invite you to schedule a consultation with one of our world-renowned hair restoration surgeons, who can help start your hair restoration journey.

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Preventing Hair Loss: Lifestyle Choices That Make a Difference Wed, 27 Mar 2024 03:00:55 +0000 Lifestyle choices contribute to hair loss. The good news is that making simple changes in our daily routine can make a big difference in maintaining healthy hair.

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For many of us, our hair is our crowning glory. But with all the stress, pollution, and fast-paced lifestyles, hair loss has become a common problem that affects many people. While genetics play a crucial role, there are also lifestyle choices that contribute to hair loss. The good news is that making simple changes in our daily routine can make a big difference in maintaining healthy hair.


Diet plays a crucial role in hair health. The foods we eat contain essential nutrients that are vital for hair growth such as protein, iron, Omega-3 fatty acids, and biotin. Including foods such as fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and sweet potatoes can help ensure that you get enough of these nutrients. Also, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption.

Hair Treatments

Keep your scalp healthy by avoiding harsh chemical treatments, frequent heat styling, and tight hairstyles that can cause hair breakage. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type and massage your scalp regularly to improve blood flow. Scalp massages also help reduce stress, which can contribute to hair loss.


Exercise regularly. Exercise is a natural stress reducer and improves blood circulation, which can promote hair growth. Incorporate aerobic activities like running, swimming, or cycling into your routine. Yoga is also an excellent stress-busting workout that can enhance hair health by increasing blood flow to the scalp.


Manage stress through relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness. Stress is a leading contributor to hair loss, and finding ways to manage it can help prevent hair loss. Prioritize self-care activities like doing a hobby, taking a bath, or spending time in nature to reduce stress levels.

When Professional Help is Needed

If you notice excessive hair loss, then schedule an appointment with one of our hair restoration doctors, who can determine the underlying cause of your hair loss and prescribe appropriate treatment, such as regenerative medicine (PRP), topical solutions, laser therapy, or FUT or FUE hair transplant surgery.

We know that hair loss can be a major source of distress for anyone experiencing it. It’s essential to recognize that simple lifestyle changes can help prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. By incorporating nutritious foods, adopting gentle hair care habits, exercising regularly, managing stress, and consulting with one of our physicians, if necessary, you can maintain healthy hair and prevent hair loss. So, start today and make lifestyle choices that make a difference. Your hair will thank you for it.

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Spotlight on Promising Hair Loss Treatments: What’s New in the Industry? Wed, 20 Mar 2024 03:00:54 +0000 Although there is still no known cure for hair loss, the hair restoration industry is consistently evolving, offering new and exciting treatments for those with hair loss.

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Hair loss can be a frustrating and challenging experience for both men and women. According to the American Hair Loss Association, around 85% of men will experience hair thinning by the age of 50, and up to 40% of women will experience hair loss at some point in their lives.

Although there is still no known cure for hair loss, the hair restoration industry is consistently evolving, offering new and exciting treatments for those with hair loss.

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy is one of the innovative solutions that has been hailed as one of the most exciting hair loss treatments on the market. Stem cell therapy has been used for a variety of conditions, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and even hair loss. This treatment involves taking adipose tissue (fat) from the patient’s body, isolating the stem cells, and injecting them back into the scalp. This process is believed to activate dormant hair follicles, leading to significant hair growth. Stem cell therapy is still in its infancy, and more rigorous clinical trials are needed. However, the initial results have been promising.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is another popular hair loss treatment that is gaining increasing attention in the industry. This treatment involves the use of low-level laser light to stimulate hair growth. Laser therapy is completely non-invasive and has zero side effects, which makes it a popular choice among those with hair loss. Studies have shown that laser therapy can increase hair density, promote hair growth, and improve hair thickness. The laser light energizes the hair follicles, leading to significant hair growth. Laser therapy should be used in conjunction with other hair loss treatments, such as topical medications.

Topical Medications

Topical medications are a popular option for those suffering from hair loss. The most commonly used topical medication is Minoxidil, which was initially developed to treat high blood pressure. Minoxidil, when applied to the scalp, can reduce hair loss and stimulate hair growth. The medication is applied topically twice a day, and the results can usually be seen after a few months of use. Finasteride is another medication that is used to stop hair loss. This medication has been proven to be effective in slowing down hair loss, but it is only available for men.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is another promising treatment for hair loss, which has gained significant popularity in the industry. PRP therapy involves extracting a small amount of blood from the patient’s body, separating the platelets, and injecting them back into the scalp. The platelets contain growth factors that encourage hair growth. The injected platelets heal the hair follicles leading to regenerated hair growth. PRP therapy is a safe and non-invasive procedure, but it does require repeated treatments to maintain hair growth.

Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant surgery is the most advanced and permanent solution for hair loss. It involves transplanting hair follicles from one area of the scalp to another. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia, and the patient can return to regular activities within a week. Hair transplant surgery is a highly effective treatment for hair loss, providing permanent hair growth. With new advancements in technology, hair transplant surgery has become more accessible and less invasive, leading to more natural-looking results.

The two types of hair transplant surgery are follicular unit transplant (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). FUT, also known as “strip harvesting” or “linear surgery,” is a long-standing technique in hair restoration that removes a strip of your scalp from the back of the head, from which individual hair follicles are then carefully harvested, dissected, trimmed, and transplanted to the areas of need. FUE, on the other hand, is a method of harvesting hair for a hair restoration surgery where individual hair follicles are removed one at a time from the donor area.

Which Treatment is Right for You?

The hair loss industry is consistently evolving. With new advancements in technology, we now have access to more promising solutions than ever before. From stem cell therapy to laser therapy, PRP therapy to Minoxidil and Finasteride, and hair transplant surgery, there are several treatments available to help you regrow your hair.

If you’re struggling with hair loss, consult with one of our highly regarded hair surgeons to help determine which treatment is best for you. We have been specializing in hair transplant surgery since 2003. Take charge of your hair loss journey and regain your confidence today.

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Understanding the Causes of Hair Loss: Debunking Common Myths Wed, 13 Mar 2024 03:00:53 +0000 Let’s debunk common hair loss myths and explore the actual causes of hair loss that everyone should be aware of.

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At one point or another, everyone experiences some level of hair loss. While it’s a normal part of the natural hair growth cycle, excessive hair loss can be a source of embarrassment, frustration, and anxiety. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation surrounding what causes hair loss. Some people may assume that wearing hats, frequent shampooing, or stress are the only culprits. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. So, let’s debunk common hair loss myths and explore the actual causes of hair loss that everyone should be aware of.

Myth #1: Wearing Hats Causes Hair Loss

Many people believe that hats suffocate the scalp, leading to hair loss. However, this myth is simply not true. Wearing a hat won’t cause your hair to fall out, even if you wear it every day.

Myth #2: Frequent Shampooing Causes Hair Loss

Another common myth is that shampooing your hair too often can cause hair loss. This myth is not true, and in fact, shampooing regularly is good for your scalp and hair health. What can cause hair loss is using harsh shampoos that contain chemicals that irritate the scalp. So, choose a mild, natural shampoo that is gentle on both the hair and scalp.

Myth #3: Stress is the Sole Cause of Hair Loss

Many people believe that stress is the only cause of hair loss. While it’s true that stress can contribute to hair loss, it is not the sole cause. In fact, a variety of factors can lead to hair loss, including hormonal changes, medical conditions, and genetics. So, although managing stress is important for overall health, it is not the only factor in hair loss.

Myth #4: Hair Loss Only Affects Men

While it’s true that hair loss is more common in men, it doesn’t mean that women are immune. In fact, women experience hair loss at a much higher rate than you might expect. There are many factors that can contribute to female hair loss, including hormonal imbalances, medical conditions, and even certain hair care practices. So, it’s important to be aware of the signs of hair loss and take action if you notice anything unusual.

Myth #5: Hair Loss is Inevitable

Many people believe that hair loss is an inevitable part of aging. While it’s true that most people experience some level of hair loss as they age, there are steps you can take to slow or prevent hair loss. By maintaining a healthy scalp, eating a balanced diet, and avoiding harsh chemicals and heat styling, you can help keep your hair healthy and full for years to come.

Myth #6: Hair Restoration Surgery Doesn’t Work

While the hair loss industry isn’t immune from unqualified providers claiming to be hair loss surgeons, the fact is that surgical techniques such as follicular unit transplant (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE) are proven methods of hair restoration. The surgeons at Anderson Center for Hair have decades of experience in these techniques, along with the before-and-after photos to validate their success.

Just the Facts

Hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of people. Unfortunately, there are many myths surrounding what causes hair loss, which can lead to confusion and frustration. By debunking these myths, we hope to provide you with a better understanding of the actual causes of hair loss.

While there is no definitive cure for hair loss, there are many steps you can take to keep your hair healthy and prevent further loss. If you are experiencing hair loss, it’s important to schedule a consultation with one of our surgeons to determine the underlying cause and develop a plan for treatment. We’ll arm you with not only the facts, but also a roadmap for your hair restoration journey.

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Hair Loss Across Gender and Age: Understanding Unique Challenges Wed, 06 Mar 2024 03:00:15 +0000 Let’s explore the unique challenges faced by different genders and age groups when dealing with hair loss and provide insights into tailored solutions and support resources.

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Hair loss is a common problem that affects people of all ages and genders. However, the experiences and challenges faced by men, women, and different age groups can vary significantly. For many people, hair loss can be a distressing experience that affects self-esteem and confidence.

However, it is essential to understand that there are solutions available to help manage hair loss and promote regrowth. With that in mind, let’s explore the unique challenges faced by different genders and age groups when dealing with hair loss and provide insights into tailored solutions and support resources.

Men and Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is a condition that affects up to 85% of men by the age of 50. It is characterized by hair loss on the top of the head, receding hairline, and baldness at the crown. It is caused by a combination of genetics and hormone levels, specifically dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Men with male pattern baldness may experience embarrassment, anxiety, and low self-esteem because of their hair loss. Solutions for male pattern baldness include medications such as Finasteride and Minoxidil, follicular unit transplant (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant surgeries, platelet-rich plasma therapy, and cosmetic solutions such as scalp micropigmentation.

Women and Postpartum Hair Loss

Postpartum hair loss is a common experience for many new mothers, and it is caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy. Women may experience significant hair shedding between three to six months after giving birth, which can be distressing. However, postpartum hair loss is temporary, and normal hair growth returns after this period. Women can support hair regrowth by maintaining a healthy diet with nutrients such as biotin and iron, gentle hair care, and minimizing stress levels.

Age-Related Thinning in Men and Women

As we age, hair growth slows down, and hair follicles shrink, leading to thinner and weaker hair. Men and women may experience age-related thinning in different patterns, with men commonly experiencing thinning on the crown and hairline, while women may experience diffused thinning on the top of their heads. Solutions for age-related thinning include medications such as Rogaine and Propecia, laser therapy treatments, and hair transplant surgeries. Lifestyle adjustments such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress management can also support hair health.

Support Resources for Hair Loss

Dealing with hair loss can be challenging, and it is essential to seek support and advice from qualified professionals, such as the team here at Anderson Center for Hair. When seeking hair loss solutions, it is crucial to consult with a qualified hair loss professional who can provide appropriate guidance and advice.

What Next?

Hair loss is a common problem that affects people of all ages and genders. By understanding the unique challenges faced by each demographic, we can develop tailored solutions and support resources. Men with male pattern baldness can benefit from solutions such as medication, hair transplant surgery, and cosmetic options like hairpieces. Women experiencing postpartum hair loss can support hair regrowth through diet, hair care, and stress management. Age-related thinning in both men and women can be addressed through medication, laser therapy, and hair transplant surgeries.

Fortunately, Anderson Center for Hair offers and specializes in all the treatments discussed above. We have been one of the world’s leading hair restoration centers for more than two decades, and we have the awards to back that up. Regardless of your age or gender, if you are seeking a hair loss solution, then we invite you to schedule a consultation with one of our renowned surgeons.

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Hair Loss Prevention Wed, 07 Sep 2022 15:11:12 +0000 Hair Loss Prevention: What you need to know Hair loss is something no one wants to deal with, but many people experience it every day, at every age, in every part of the world. The most important thing we can communicate to you is that hair loss is a natural variant of the human condition. [...]

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Hair Loss Prevention: What you need to know

Hair loss is something no one wants to deal with, but many people experience it every day, at every age, in every part of the world. The most important thing we can communicate to you is that hair loss is a natural variant of the human condition. It’s part of your genetics and is much like how you get the shape of your nose from your father or the color of your eyes from your mother. You can’t change genetics, and it’s difficult to reverse hair loss, but there are proven ways for hair loss prevention before it happens. There are many rumors about hair loss, but in honor of hair loss awareness month, we wanted to provide you with some facts!

5 Facts about Hair Loss

  • Alopecia is the complete or partial loss of hair in areas where hair usually grows, and though some think it only happens later in life, it can actually happen to anyone – even teenagers!
  • Hair loss is largely hereditary. Some get concerned about major health problems when they experience hair loss, and while that can sometimes be a contributing factor, it is more often than not related to genetics. Ask your close family members about hair loss. If the trait is strong in your family, then it is likely the root of your hair loss.
  • Heat tools (curling irons, flat irons, hairdryers, rollers) can damage your hair, especially with frequent use. This damage can weaken your hair and result in hair loss.
  • Sometimes hair loss can be related to stress. This is referred to as telogen effluvium and is typically seen on the top of the scalp but is usually temporary.
  • Have you ever seen hair in the shower and thought you were experiencing hair loss? That isn’t necessarily true! Losing 50-100 hairs daily is normal, and most of that loss occurs in the shower. It should only become a cause for concern if your hair loss seems to be excessive or comes out in clumps.

How to Prevent Hair Loss

Once you lose hair, it’s hard to get back, so we highly recommend that you take steps to prevent hair loss. This can be done at any age; the earlier you start, the better the results. Much like weight loss, hair loss prevention is something you have to dedicate yourself to. If you’re trying to lose weight, you can’t diet for a couple of months, launch yourself into pre-diet eating habits, and expect to keep the weight off. It’s a commitment and is most effective when it becomes part of your everyday lifestyle.


There are a variety of topicals on the market and a variety of results from these topicals. There are some shampoos and conditioners, but these are not going to make a significant change in your hair loss alone. The most effective topical is not going to be found on a shelf in the Health and Beauty section, but instead is going to be a prescription that contains multiple medications that will help block the hormones in your scalp which cause androgenetic alopecia and stimulate hair growth. Talk to your doctor to find out what option may be best for you.


Depending on several factors specific to you, there are some prescription oral medications that could help slow or stop your hair loss. There are also non-prescription vitamins they may have you try. They may have you try biotin, Vitamin A, B, C, D, or E, iron, or zinc. The results of these supplements would depend on the type of hair loss you are experiencing and what stage your hair loss is. Your doctor can discuss your prescription and non-prescription options with you to find the best combination for your needs.


Low Light Laser Therapy is a treatment that harnesses energy from low-level laser diodes. This energy is absorbed by the scalp, and the cells are stimulated. There are many devices on the market with varying degrees of effectiveness. The most important thing is ensuring your scalp is receiving a sufficient amount of energy, which requires one of the hat-type devices, not the comb-type one.


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) consists of a doctor drawing your blood, using a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the blood, and then injecting the platelet-rich portion of the serum into the scalp to promote healing and growth.

Stem Cell Therapy

This form of therapy involves aspirating your own fat, separating out the stem cells, and injecting them into the area of need on the scalp. While this therapy is not currently available, there is great promise which will hopefully be available in the near future.

Take the Next Step

None of these options are a one-time-cure-all as they all take time and dedication. Hair loss is a lifelong condition that requires ongoing prevention. For the best results, we recommend utilizing a combination of preventatives.  If you’re still struggling with hair loss, we recommend visiting your doctor as soon as possible to learn about hair loss prevention and see if you’re eligible for surgical hair restoration. Be kind to your hair!

Schedule a consultation

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Stress-Related Hair Loss Mon, 01 Aug 2022 15:13:41 +0000 Hair loss of any kind is alarming. Therefore, it’s essential to know what type of hair loss you’re experiencing to identify the proper treatment and set your expectations for regrowth. In a recent blog, we discussed Hair Loss Prevention for androgenetic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness. This is the most common [...]

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Hair loss of any kind is alarming. Therefore, it’s essential to know what type of hair loss you’re experiencing to identify the proper treatment and set your expectations for regrowth.

In a recent blog, we discussed Hair Loss Prevention for androgenetic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness. This is the most common type of hair loss and happens over time based on your genetics. This month we’re taking a deeper dive into the second most common type of hair loss we treat, called telogen effluvium, which is a sudden loss of a significant amount of hair triggered by a specific event. While androgenic alopecia is progressive, it’s unlikely to stop without considerable effort once you start losing your hair. However, telogen effluvium has a much better prognosis. Unfortunately, a good prognosis doesn’t make your hair loss feel less frustrating! Read on to learn more…

What is telogen effluvium?

Telogen effluvium is temporary hair loss induced by significant stress or a traumatic event like losing a loved one, the loss of a job, or severe health issues. In 2020, some people will deal with all of these factors in a condensed timeframe. However, because of the unique growth cycle of the hair on our scalp, telogen effluvium has a delayed effect – generally 3-4 months after the stressful event itself. This can often confuse patients as they no longer deal with that particular stressor.

Let’s take a closer look at the hair growth cycle: For the average person, 85% to 90% of the hairs on their head are actively growing (anagen phase), while the other hairs are resting (telogen phase). The average cycle consists of hair being in the anagen phase for 2-4 years, the telogen phase for 2-4 months, and then the loss of that strand of hair which is then replaced with new hair growth. However, if your body undergoes trauma (physical or mental), the hair quickly moves into the telogen phase. When this happens, about 30% of the hairs stop growing and fall out. With telogen effluvium, the patient may lose 300 hairs daily versus the average of 100.

How COVID-19 Has Induced Telogen Effluvium

As of August 2020, 27% of patients recovering from COVID-19 have reported hair loss. Is this a long-term effect of the virus? Is it related to something else? It’s hard to tell, and at this point, there’s not enough evidence to prove that hair loss is a long-term effect of COVID-19 as there has been an increase in reports of telogen effluvium from people who have not had the virus. So, why are so many people experiencing hair loss whether or not they have had the virus? Stress! The entire nation and even the entire world have been through a lot of stress in the last six months, so it’s no surprise that we’re seeing an increase in patients presenting with telogen effluvium.

What can you do if you’re experiencing telogen effluvium?

Here’s the good news – if a patient is experiencing telogen effluvium, the hair generally returns within 1-2 years. Of course, hair growth is different for everyone so the regrowth period could be less or more than the estimated regrowth period, but the most important part is to be patient! Though time is the immediate solution, patients can also look into Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy to stimulate the hair follicles and promote growth. Times are tough, but we’ll all get through this together. Keep your stress levels at bay

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Understanding Hair Loss and Setting Healthy Expectations Mon, 06 Jun 2022 15:34:42 +0000 It’s 2020, and we’re living in a modern world full of powerful technology. We have quantum-computing capabilities and the promise of high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces. And, in some ways just as important, an on-demand delivery app for just about anything you need. Given the scientific discoveries and innovations that we’ve had in just the last [...]

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It’s 2020, and we’re living in a modern world full of powerful technology. We have quantum-computing capabilities and the promise of high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces. And, in some ways just as important, an on-demand delivery app for just about anything you need. Given the scientific discoveries and innovations that we’ve had in just the last few years, a lot of people are taking technology for granted and growing accustomed to instant gratification. I’ve seen firsthand how this mentality has impacted the way patients set expectations about their hair. More often than not, patients are looking for a “silver bullet” that will take care of their hair loss. They want one magic solution, with no side effects or risks, that is going to solve their problem quickly, easily, and forever. But, you need an understanding of hair loss and reasonable expectations.

Setting Reasonable Expectations

Lots of guys assume that hair restoration surgery is the answer. However, there is no single answer. Don’t get me wrong, having more hair after a hair restoration procedure can have a positive impact on your life, but hair restoration isn’t only about having surgery. I’ve said it for years and I’ll keep saying it:

Consistent, ongoing maintenance after a hair restoration surgery is vital to achieving the desired cosmetic effect of your hair restoration surgery for as long as possible.

To be successful, it’s important that patients comprehend the progressive nature of hair loss and how it affects their results over time.

Without proper expectation setting, a worst-case scenario is a bit like this: a patient undergoes a hair restoration procedure, fails to act on any of the counseling provided about how to control his ongoing hair loss, and returns 18 months later dissatisfied because he looks the same as before his surgery. The surgically implanted hair looks great, but he’s lost more of the surrounding hairs. The hair restoration industry is full of patients who disregard maintenance and end up quite angry, wanting to know why they paid a substantial fee to “take care of the problem” only for it to continue.

What to Consider Before Surgery

The general public thinks of hair transplants like other forms of cosmetic plastic surgery, which I believe to be the source of some of the confusion. Luckily, I’ve found a method that helps patients understand their hair loss and sets reasonable expectations of the maintenance involved.

Let’s consider a rhinoplasty (commonly known as a “nose job”). A patient has a surgical procedure performed to remove a hump. Once removed, the nasal hump isn’t going to return. It’s not going to grow back, so there’s no need for continued maintenance after a rhinoplasty.

Understanding Hair Loss Analogy

Hair loss is more like dental decay. In fact, in many respects, the two phenomena are identical, with the main difference being that not everyone has hair loss, but everyone fights dental decay every day.

Both hair loss and dental decay:

  • Have no known cure
  • Are progressive in nature
  • Are with you for life
  • Require multiple avenues of non-surgical treatment to control effectively.

For dental decay, we do quite a bit of maintenance. We brush, floss, use mouthwash and go to the dentists’ offices twice a year for a dental cleaning. Some people are particularly careful about acidic or staining foods.

When treating hair loss, our maintenance options all have a parallel: the laser cap device (LLLT device) is like their “toothbrush,” topical treatments are their “dental floss,” and Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) procedures can be likened to “dental cleanings.”

The analogy doesn’t stop there. When patients ask things like “when do I stop using the laser cap?” my answer is, “on the very same day you elect to stop brushing your teeth. But the dentist has the advantage in this case. If you let all your teeth rot out, they can give you implants or dentures made of porcelain. The parallel here is that your head has a limited amount of hair we can transplant. If you were to do no maintenance and you lose too much hair, your option then becomes a toupee.”

When patients ask me “what happens if I don’t see any changes, and no hair grows,” I point out “we brush our teeth all year long and everyone is happy when there’s zero change. And if you occasionally get a cavity, you wouldn’t throw away your toothbrush. You’d brush more carefully or more often.”

Next Steps

If you are still having understanding hair loss, how it affects you, and what you can do about it, we are here to answer all your questions.

Click here to schedule a consultation!

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Stopping Hair Loss on CBS Atlanta Mon, 25 Mar 2013 03:00:44 +0000 An Atlanta CBS evening news segment featuring Dr. Ken Anderson. The video aired in late 2009, during the three years Dr. Anderson spent as the Chief of Hair Restoration Surgery at the Emory Facial Center in Sandy Springs.

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An Atlanta CBS evening news segment featuring Dr. Ken Anderson. The video aired in late 2009, during the three years Dr. Anderson spent as the Chief of Hair Restoration Surgery at the Emory Facial Center in Sandy Springs, which is Emory’s center for cosmetic facial plastic surgery.

CBS Atlanta did a special on his treatment of female hair pattern baldness. He performed a follicular unit extraction (FUE) procedure on this patient, and CBS was there to document this patient’s life changing procedure. Dr. Anderson performed this procedure using a hand-held, 1mm, dermal biopsy punch. He was the first in Georgia to offer the ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration Surgery System, which performs FUE hair restoration procedures with unparalleled efficiency and precision.

Watch the segment by clicking here.

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