Categories: Post-Care3.2 min read

By: Anderson Center for Hair


How to Hide Hair Restoration Surgery Evidence

How to Hide Your Post-Op Evidence 

Every patient is different. This means that some are eligible for both the linear and robotic FUE methods of hair restoration surgery. However, others are only eligible for one or the other. Several factors go into choosing the linear method versus robotic FUE method. One thing that should be decided is if you would like to keep your hair long throughout the process or if you prefer a short cut. Either way, we have some tips on how to hide hair restoration surgery evidence.

Surgery Evidence

The linear strip hair restoration is the best option for patients who have long hair. These patients don’t plan on ever wearing their hair military-grade shorta nd don’t want to see surgical evidence in the short term. Our surgeons lift a section of hair on the back of the head, tape and trim the hair only in this area, take a strip of skin and follicles, and then suture the incision, which is easily covered by the hair. This method doesn’t alter how the front looks.

The ARTAS® robotic hair restoration, also referred to as Follicular Unit Extraction or “FUE,” on the other hand, is for patients who prefer to wear their hair very short. In most cases, it’s required to shave the patient’s entire head before surgery, allowing the robot to “see” the follicles. Right after surgery, the back of the head will be red and have scabbing, but this goes away within 5-7 days. After the first week, the need for hiding the evidence of surgery depends on how fast your hair grows as well as the color of your hair and skin. As the hair grows longer, the harvested area becomes easier to cover.

Tips for How to Hide Hair Restoration Surgery Evidence

1.     Wear a hat immediately after surgery.

At Anderson Center for Hair, a member of our surgical team will wrap your head before you leave the office. Hence, your head will not be exposed to air and bacteria. A loose, structured hat can go over that covering to hide the “haircut” as well as any redness, scabbing, or bruising.

2.     Cut your hair short a couple of weeks before the robotic procedure

If you’re planning on the robotic FUE method, consider buzzing your hair short 2 weeks before the surgery. When it’s time for surgery, the surgeons will buzz it again, so if you take a week off of work for recovery, there will be no evidence of surgery upon returning to work as you will have the same haircut you had a couple of weeks ago. If time allows you can gradually transition your hair style to a shorter and shorter style so the change is less drastic to others.

3.     Grow or change your facial hair after surgery

Just like a magician, distraction is key. If you get people to notice that you grew a beard or started to style your facial hair differently, they’ll likely pay attention to the hair on your face instead of the hair on top of your head.

4.     Consider long-hair Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) as an alternative.

This method blends the best of both worlds. It leaves hair long on top but requires the patient to cut the back and sides very short. This still exposes immediate redness and scabbing post-surgery. However, it reduces the time needed to grow hair back and appear normal to those around you. Not all patients qualify for this method, so talk to your surgeon to see if this is an option for you.

Are You Ready to Have Hair Again

You don’t have to continue to suffer with hair loss. World class hair restoration is available. Anderson Center for Hair can help you. Every case is different; so click here to schedule your consultation today!