Spotlight on Promising Hair Loss Treatments: What’s New in the Industry?
Although there is still no known cure for hair loss, the hair restoration industry is consistently evolving, offering new and exciting treatments for those with hair loss.
Understanding the Causes of Hair Loss: Debunking Common Myths
Let’s debunk common hair loss myths and explore the actual causes of hair loss that everyone should be aware of.
Hair Loss Across Gender and Age: Understanding Unique Challenges
Let’s explore the unique challenges faced by different genders and age groups when dealing with hair loss and provide insights into tailored solutions and support resources.
The Complete Guide to Hair Transplant Surgery in Atlanta
Hair transplant surgery is a medical procedure designed to combat hair loss and restore hair growth in areas where it has become thin or bald.
The Complete Guide to FUE Hair Transplants in Atlanta
FUE, which stands for Follicular Unit Extraction, is a minimally invasive hair transplant technique that does not involve a linear incision or a visible scar.
Questions to Ask Your Hair Loss Doctor
Any elective procedure should be thoroughly researched before you invest your time and money. However, researching the process can only take you so far. It’s important that you choose a surgeon with experience, that is willing to listen to your concerns and answer your questions. If you haven’t invested in hair restoration surgery before, there are some questions that you should ask your surgeon before committing to the procedure. To make sure you’re in the right place, consider these questions to ask your hair loss doctor. Will a surgeon be the one performing the procedure? It may not be open-heart [...]
How Young is Too Young for Hair Restoration Surgery?
Cosmetic surgery is a big decision that should never be rushed into. Whether you’re 21 or 51, this decision shouldn’t be taken lightly. It should consider the recommendations of a trusted doctor and maybe even a loved one too! Especially when you’re young, the tendency is to find a silver bullet and jump for it, but in some cases jumping into a cosmetic procedure too quickly could cause more problems in the future. So before you decide to elect for hair restoration, here are some things to consider if you’re wondering about the hair restoration age limit. Hair Restoration Surgery [...]
Hairline Lowering or Hair Transplant?
Question: Always hated size of my forehead- please note this is not due to hair loss. I am 23 and understand I will need to wait until I am 25 to be considered for a transplant. Is that the best option or should I opt for lowering surgery? I have been desperate since being a teenager to have a proportionate forehead. I do understand risk of having transplant too young. -MMIG Dr. Anderson Answers: Thank you for posting this question. If you don’t have hair loss, and you simply want to lower your hairline, then you don’t have to wait [...]